


The Money Calendar Can Show You How to Profit in a Matter of Seconds

Traders frequently turn to earnings reports for quick profits thanks to the potential of a stock to pop – or bust – after an earnings call.

But you don't need to wait for an earnings report to find stocks about to move.

The reality is that some stocks go up at the same time each year, and we have a tool called the "Money Calendar" that makes the earnings season trade obsolete...


Why Options Trading Is the Best Way to Beat Volatility in 2018

If you think Wall Street is there to help you to make money, think again. That's why the so-called "experts" are quick to tell you that "too-risky" options trading is for hard-core speculators only. They also tell you that they are the fastest way to lose money.

Of course they do. Why should they share this moneymaker with you? They'd rather keep it for themselves.

That's why Money Morning's options trading specialist, Tom Gentile, just laid out the seven best reasons to trade options that anyone can follow.


Make Money Now Like the Pros Do When Strong Markets Pull Back

We haven't seen markets lose much over the past year or so, but, lest we forget, it most definitely is still possible for stocks to go down, like they did earlier this week.

Now, like our Technical Trading Specialist, D.R. Barton, Jr., has been saying, markets don't just up and fall out of bed from all-time highs. He's been saying the prevailing "growth" narrative driving the markets means we're not likely to see dips like this get "bad," or exceed 3% or 5%.

But… here's the thing: You can make money – a lot of money – on small moves up or down like these.

Here to show us all how to do that is D.R. himself. He's got a great way to play "breathers" in otherwise perfectly strong markets.

Have a look...