
trading strategies


My "Desert Island Stock" Gives You Four Companies for the Price of One

My friends who don't fully get my stock-buying habits often ask "if you could own one stock for the rest of your life," or "if you had just one stock to own while you were stranded on a desert island for years," what that stock might be.

They expect me to name some tech giant trading at multiples so high I'd need a NASA spacesuit to own it, or some biotech "just about" to "change the world," despite the very long odds on blind biotech bets.

Or a driverless car company… or a drone manufacturer… or some other firm making a device that everyone expects to be ubiquitous in a few years…

All super-sexy, exciting businesses, absolutely; fun to read about and speculate on, but not my cup of tea. And they're certainly not "the one stock."

Why? Because I have no idea which tech company will own 90% of the planet in 50 years, or which will be replaced in five years by a couple of dudes in Toledo building a gaming system in their garage.

When and if they reveal themselves, and they're selling cheap, maybe I'll buy 'em – maybe.

But I'd definitely buy the one company that'll make it possible for all these futuristic, expensive, super-sexy mega caps to do business at all...

Trading Strategies

The S&P 500’s Achilles Heel Could Put Serious Cash in Your Pocket

With the S&P 500 hitting fresh resistance levels and giving back a fraction of the gains of the past day, odds are excellent that the market's going to punch through the ceiling.

That means rooting out what weakness there is – like this one stock that's ripe for the fall.

This is the perfect opportunity for making money with Chris' easy, cheap options trade...


Here Are the Most Important Earnings Reports to Watch This Week

Get this – the big cap tech companies all exceeded expectations, helping drive the S&P 500 to fresh all-time highs.

And it's nowhere close to being over.

In fact we're at the start of the second-busiest reporting week of the season, with 135 of S&P companies scheduled to report.

Here are the few big influencers we're looking at...


Here's When the Next Profitable Melt-Up Will Start

Yesterday morning, the S&P 500 cash index came within 0.86% of its Sept. 21, 2018, all-time high. The market has been on a wild tear for almost four straight months now, rocketing more than 24% off the low set on the first trading day after Christmas Eve.

So the way forward to fresh all-time highs is free and clear… right?

Well, not quite. The overwhelming strength of the market is precisely what will, for the time being, keep it from convincingly busting through the highs set seven months or so ago.

It's not that there's anything mechanically wrong with the market or the economy; both are relatively strong.

Instead, it's got everything to do with the psychology of the people, of the buyers and sellers who constitute the market.

Understanding what's happening is the key to being in the right place (ready to make money) at the right time (when the market rockets higher again).

Here's what's happening...

fast profits

This Is the Simple Way You Can Turn Earnings Season into Powerful Profits

Earnings season is the best time of year to make fast profits. That's because stock prices jump significantly more than they do during "normal" weeks.

So to make sure you get your piece of earnings gains, we give you one recommendation with huge profit potential.

Even better - you can find out how to get our earnings season "playbook" for the biggest profits this April...

Trading Strategies

The FANGs Are Just One Catalyst in the Next Run-Up

Back in December, many investors were in a rush to sell their FANG stocks when the markets fell to new lows – and they're probably kicking themselves right about now.

In fact, if they'd listened to Keith and stayed in or even bought more, they would probably be grinning from ear to ear.

Though markets seem range-bound currently, they won't last for long. Plus, no investor can afford what's coming next...

Trading Strategies

How You Can Cash In on Just About Any Stock You Want

Our Tom Gentile's dedicated his life and career to trading and the study of trading, so when he says there are about 50,000 strategies traders can use to make money on around 3,800 stocks, you better believe him.

In fact, he's going to show you exactly how to find the right move to make on any stock.

And it's much easier than learning 50,000 strategies...

Trading Strategies

Let the Good Times Roll with This Must-Own Blue-Chip Pot Stock

The high-flying cannabis sector is full of insurgent micro caps, mid caps with prospects running the gamut from poor to excellent, and an assortment of big caps with an appetite for acquisition, driving a lucrative, "full-speed ahead" consolidation trend.

Last week, I showed you exactly how to read these firms' earnings reports, to find the very best of everything the legal weed sector has on offer. (Of course, you could always click here and learn how to access our restricted research; let us do the legwork.)

But there's another, even bigger weight class in the business – one where it still pays to heed the traditional metrics, the "old school" rules of valuation…

Call them the "green blue chips," big companies with a presence outside the sector, but which boast management with the vision to see the truckloads of profits possible in cannabis.

I've done the research to pick one of the very best of these firms to recommend to you today: a big, rich player that's only going to get bigger and richer.

It'll do the same for you.

If there's only one cannabis company you own all the way through your retirement, THIS is it...


You Could Own Bottled, High-Profit Lightning for Less Than You Paid for Your Morning Coffee

Shah Gilani's done a lot to build a fortune for himself and his clients, but one thing he's NEVER done is followed the herd, or listened to green, gutless mainstream analysts or pundits.

They simply don't have what it takes to go after bold, big plays that net some serious profits.

Plays like this one you can make for less than the price of a Starbucks coffee...