
trading strategies

Trading Strategies

This Backdoor Cannabis Play Could Climb Over 100%, and It's the Perfect Time to Strike

At the National Institute for Cannabis Investors, we talk a lot about cannabis banking. That's because accessing loans and depositing money are still huge hurdles facing cannabis companies.

But the progressive financial firms that realize how much money there is to be made working with legal cannabis companies will be handsomely rewarded.

And I've found the perfect play…

Just like when we talked about Innovative Industrial Properties – which is now up almost 100% since we launched the American Cannabis Summit on Oct. 23, 2018 – we wanted to add another way for you to try and capture an additional potential triple-digit return.

Of course, timing is everything, so you may have not seen when we first mentioned Innovative Industrial Properties and bought it at a higher price, or you may have simply chose not to buy its shares.

But if you missed out, that's okay. I wanted to share another play with you today that could offer a similar profit opportunity, and the timing is perfect.

I talked to my friend and banking expert, Money Morning Special Situation Strategist Tim Melvin, and he tells me that as of right now, there is only ONE publicly traded bank taking on cannabis customers – the rest are credit unions or privately held banks.

I've held off talking about this company too much before because it faced some significant challenges outside of its cannabis business. However, those challenges seem to be behind it, and we could soon see a quick jump in the stock price thanks to some positive headwinds.

So right now, I'm going to share with you hopefully another big winner to add to your growing list of cannabis investments...

Trading Strategies

Millions of Investors Needlessly Lose Billions of Dollars Because of This

Today, our Chief Investment Strategist is bringing you the "big four" profit-robbing pitfalls that millions of investors needlessly fall into, losing billions of hard-earned money.

Plus, Keith's going to run through some of the basics that ensure you keep banking more profits more often than the crowd, in this market or any other...

Trading Strategies

Here's What to Do About This Cross-Border Marijuana Mega-Merger

Here's the deal – in a sector worth $12 billion, consolidation is happening at lightning speed and offering investors opportunities for making money.

However, sometimes these takeover bids can muddy the waters and make things very difficult.

So with stakes this high, it's critical that you understand exactly what's happening in this ongoing story.

Here's Greg with all the details...

Trading Strategies

How to Hang Tough and Make Even More Money When the Headlines Seem to Turn Against You

Many investors think of investing as something very difficult… a wild ride. They look at a stock chart, and instead of seeing the 3D "straight line" picture hiding in plain sight, they see a chaotic, scary, up-and-down mess instead.

But as always, I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way.

Investing can, and indeed should, be a smooth process – even if the world is anything but. I know the headlines, especially, are challenging.

Just this past week, for example, we've had the president meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un in Vietnam, more stuff to digest on the Chinese trade talks, Fed Chair Jerome Powell on Capitol Hill, and former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen speaking to the House Oversight Committee.

And that's not even including earnings!!

Still, the big stuff is important. I don't want to make light of the concerns you and I have about the world we live in and how those things impact our money.

So here are three safe, simple, and sane steps to take when the news starts to weigh heavily...

Trading Strategies

I Found Six Chances to Double Your Money by April 1

"Like finding a needle in a haystack."

Finding the right stocks in a market like this can be that way. There are around 4,000 stocks and almost as many funds. But only a relative few have what it takes to make you serious money.

You know the right ones are there… but they're all mixed in with the losers, and you don't know exactly what the right stocks "look like."

That's where my systems come in. They look at 10 years' worth of data on the top-performing 250 stocks and ETFs on the market to find only those stocks with a 90% or better chance of doubling your money.

But don't misunderstand: The stocks themselves don't have to double… Not at all. That could take forever, and I'm looking to book a 100% gain – make that six 100% gains – in five weeks at the outside.

Let's take a look. None of these stocks have to budge more than 10% for the doublers to start rolling in...

Trading Strategies

This Pot Stock Is Half Bank, Half Landlord, and All Profit

Back in mid-October of last year, Greg made a special stock recommendation that's a real rarity in the cannabis sector.

It's massively profitable, trades like liquid on the New York Stock Exchange, and pays a 2.31% cash dividend.

What's more, it's up more than 53% since Greg's initial recommendation.

Like I said, some people have already had the chance to participate in these remarkable profits, but now it's time to let everyone in on the secret behind these superior returns...

Trading Strategies

Wall Street Would Kill for the Kind of High-Profit Momentum We're Riding Every Day

As always, Wall Street is imagining things.

CNBC recently reported on findings from Credit Suisse that an unusually high number of companies have fallen from the ranks of top earnings growers to the bottom 20.

That sounds bad, but there's much more going on behind the scenes.

Our Keith Fitz-Gerald's got all the details on the tremendous implications this has for our moneymaking journey together...

Trading Strategies

If You Know How to Wait for a Bus, You've Got What It Takes to Double Your Investment Here

I've been watching – and profiting on – a ridiculously profitable wave I've seen developing over the years. It's not exciting, but it's the easiest money there is: bank consolidation.

The trend has its roots in the 1980s, when the interstate banking regulations were changed to allow ownership across state lines.

Things got "interesting" in the aftermath of the savings and loan crisis, when the prices of great banks fell right alongside the dogs, overstuffed with junk bonds and dubious mortgages. At the time, it was cheaper by far for any CEO worth their salt to just up and buy a smaller competitor rather than try and expand in a new state or region.

The consolidation continued right on through the Internet "dot-com" bubble and collapse, right up until the eve of the credit crisis in late 2007.

Consolidation went on a holiday of sorts until about 2011, when it started right back up where it had left off 34 years earlier.

That brings us up to speed.

The news is, bank consolidation will – I repeat, will – make you stinkin' rich if you kick back and let it work for you. Maybe the easiest fortune ever made.

Why? Simple – there's a lot more consolidating left to do. A whole lot more.

Each year, somewhere between 3% and 5% of American banks are taken over, and that's going to continue until we get below 2,000 banks.

As you'll see in a minute, we're quite a ways from that milestone.

Making money off this trend is ridiculously easy. If you can sit around waiting for a package from Amazon, you have the specialist skillset required.

I've got two plays all lined up for you...

Trading Strategies

Here's the Right Way (for You) to Make Money in the Markets

By my count, I've taught around 300,000 people how to jump in and start trading profitably. Every single one of those people was different.

Of course they were different people, but I mean everyone had different moneymaking goals: Some wanted to retire early; some just wanted to retire, period. Others were doing it for fun. People were speculating for monster gains. Folks were doing it for extra, supplemental income every month. People wanted to take vacations, buy cars, or put the kids through school.

All this and everything in between – take my word for it, I've heard it all!

The key to moneymaking success for every single one of those 300,000-plus people, no matter their ultimate goal, was finding the right way to trade at the lowest possible level of risk that was right for them.

To get you started out the right way, on the same profitable path, I'm going to share this quick video. I made it late last month for my Fast Fortune Club Members, but my editor loved it so much he begged me to take it "big time" and give everyone a chance to see it.

My editor thought, and I agree, that by the time you're done watching this, you'll be "good to go," armed with everything you need to start making money in the way that's just perfect for you...