
trading strategies

Economic Data

Here's the "Smoking Gun" in America's $70 Trillion Collapse

I entered the corridors of Wall Street as a twentysomething greenhorn in the late 1990s.

I had a mentor at a big hedge fund on Lexington Avenue, who told me if you can't explain even the most complex markets with "a few graphs and a crayon," then you aren't serving your clients.

Most of our clients, many of whom made their fortunes outside of the trading pits, didn't have the time or patience to be impressed by financial "Masters of the Universe"-types spewing out fancy acronyms and bragging about the latest "arbitrage play" in some asset-backed security packaged by a Big Six bank.

Instead, clients wanted to see the big picture, the current picture, to better understand the probabilities of the future picture in common-sense clarity.

Such blunt speak appeals to instinct and sanity.

More importantly, it can mean the difference between keeping and growing your wealth in the worst of times, or losing everything.

And because every investor – not just the ultra-high net worth folks – deserves that same respect and that same actionable moneymaking, capital-preserving intelligence, I've gathered up some charts that show "with a few graphs and some crayon," the sheer size and full financial impact of what's about to happen here.

Make no mistake: The pros I know from my days managing money on Wall Street know this is coming.

You should, as well...

Trading Strategies

If You Own Only One Stock, Make Sure It’s This One

Our Keith Fitz-Gerald is going to tell you a secret that no one else will tell you: Investing has nothing to do with fear and everything to do with opportunity.

So forget the scary headlines because the simple fact is that money is always growing.

And Keith's going to show you the perfect place to start to take advantage of that growth...

Trading Strategies

Need to Know: Here Are the Critical Levels Stocks Must Hit and Hold

Stocks have been going sideways since making an epic comeback from their Christmas crash, and it's got a lot of analysts worrying they've shot up too far, too fast.

Now whether the major market benchmark can break out of this turn depends on one thing: getting past resistance levels.

Shah's got the levels we need to be watching - and we won't be the only ones...

Trading Strategies

The Right Way to Build a Multibillion-Dollar CBD Empire

At the start of 2019, Greg predicted that this would be the "Year of CBD" – and boy, was he right!

Barely four months later, and big drugstore chains like CVS are carrying all kinds of CBD creams, sprays, and lotions.

The more market share and positive coverage we get, the better for our model portfolio.

But one thing we won't be doing is jumping at CBD gimmicks like this...

Trading Strategies

The Biggest Danger to Your Profits at a Time Like This

Traders and investors are just now sticking their toes back into the water after being spooked by the inverted yield curve that developed late last week, warning of a possible recession.

This kicked off the selling, with many analysts on the Street advising watchers to sell and sell some more.

But we know better, and we can tell that there's very real risk in this situation.

Though it's not what you might think...

Trading Strategies

Here's the "Secret Sauce" of Wall Street's Richest Pros

I love to cook – predominantly because I love to eat.

Cooking is all about putting different flavors together in a way that delights all five senses.

And yes, one can cook from a written-down recipe and get a delicious outcome.

But… it's only in learning why cooking techniques applied to different ingredients work when put together that you are able to a) understand why the recipe works; and b) to improve on it, especially when the ingredients we have vary from region to region and season to season.

And it might not surprise you to hear that the very same is true for making money in trading and investing.

There's a good, easy "recipe" I want to show you that yields delicious profits over and over again...

Trading Strategies

How to Quit Worrying and Love It When Stocks Tank

If you own Boeing Co., the last month has clearly been an "intestinally challenging" ride: 10% straight down after two of the company's new 747 Max 8 aircraft crashed in Indonesia and Ethiopia. It's down around 16% from its all-time highs…

The Max 8 fleet is grounded for now; Garuda Indonesia is the first major carrier to cancel its Max 8 orders – $6.9 billion worth – and there's no telling who could follow. It may be a good long while before they can start flying, let alone selling, these planes again. So obviously, Boeing has taken a reputational hit as well.

Unsurprisingly, I've listened to a couple of Boeing investors lamenting their losses in recent weeks.

To them, I'd say: Look, I have no idea how all the investigations will end, or when they will end, but I suspect Boeing survives just fine.

And I have one solid piece of advice for them – and you – and anyone who's ever watched one of their favorite, hard-won stocks tank…


There's more than a little upside in doing just that...

Trading Strategies

Fortify Your Money... and Play the Markets Like a Hedge Fund Superstar

With the bull market recently turning 10 and major indexes still hovering near or above their all-time highs, the current bull market may not be over.

Or it could be transitioning into a bear.

The thing is, we can't be sure either way.

That makes right now the perfect time to buy so that you're ahead and profiting all the way when the bull eventually runs out of steam...