Canopy Growth Corp


The Catalyst We Need to Reignite the Marijuana Rally

The cannabis sector is experiencing extensive growth all over the world right now. The future looks even better, as consumers – particularly in North American recreational markets – are set to fork over $57 billion a year for their cannabis by 2027, according to Arcview Research.

But as bright and lucrative as the future prospects of marijuana are, there's no getting around the fact that right now is a pretty tough time to be a cannabis investor.

Consider that the $782 million ETF Managers Tierra XP Alternative Harvest ETF – the richest cannabis-heavy exchange-traded fund bought and sold in the United States – is down some 16.5% for the year.

Now, marijuana stocks are all affected to one degree or another by the domestic and international stressors pushing down stocks across the board, but it seems like all sorts of challenges have cropped up for an industry with such explosive potential.

So I'll tell you what I told folks at the recent National Institute for Cannabis Investors retreat that just wrapped up in Las Vegas: what's causing the trouble – and most importantly, when we can expect the juicy gains to start up again… Full Story

So I'll tell you what I told folks at the recent National Institute for Cannabis Investors retreat that just wrapped up in Las Vegas: what's causing the trouble - and most importantly, when we can expect the juicy gains to start up again... Full Story

Marijuana Industry

Ignore Cannabis ETFs and Bank 200% Gains with This Marijuana Stock

The legal cannabis industry is expected to grow from $55 billion to $146 billion by 2025 – 265% growth in five years.

Some take that as a signal to go invest in the whole industry through cannabis ETFs.

But sometimes, if you hastily throw all of your money at an ETF, you run the risk of being a jack of all trades and master of none – or worse, taking a big loss.

And our best marijuana stock is a backdoor play you might not have heard of yet.

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marijuana stocks

One of the Best Marijuana Stocks to Invest in Is Trading at an Incredible Discount

I love it when institutional money managers start snooping around the stocks I've already identified as big winners down the road.That extra buying power can provide a huge catalyst to the names I already love.

What stocks have been beaten up the most of late? Cannabis stocks.

With all the selling cannabis stocks have seen, value managers are swooping in looking for a bargain. I say have at it.

And one of the best marijuana stocks to invest in is trading at absolute bargain levels right now.

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