
Trading Options


How to Set a Stop-Loss in Options Trading

Knowing what to buy and when to buy it is only half of the trading process.

Savvy professionals will tell you that knowing when to sell is just as important, if not more important.

It’s all about controlling your risk. You must know in advance what has to happen to tell you when it is time to sell.

That’s why we’re going to show you how to set a stop-loss in options trading.


Trading Strategies

How to Maximize Profit Opportunity in a World Turned Upside-Down

"How do I keep my money safe?"

It's a question on the minds of many investors – and rightly so, given last week's hijinks. First there was China, then politics, then rates… a trifecta of sorts.

The ugly truth, as we saw perfectly illustrated last week, is that too many people wait until a major market move is already in progress before they start thinking about how to protect their portfolio.

These folks are starting from five steps back. For many investors – especially those who have just worked up the courage to get back in, having gotten shellacked in the global financial crisis a decade ago – this couldn't have happened at a worse time. They're scared and frustrated.

But if you take the approach I'm going to talk about today, you'll find market dips are just a speed bump in the path to profits...


How Elon Musk Is Turning Tesla into a Trading Opportunity

Tesla stock is the most trouble its ever been in, and Elon Musk's increasingly erratic behavior is just another sign of the company's coming decline.

Fortunately, it's also something you can turn into profits.

In the chart we'll reveal below, you can see exactly how Tesla's share price is losing momentum - and the price level we expect it to plunge below.