
trading strategies

Trading Strategies

How to Bag Superior Returns from the Market's Top 20% of Stocks

I was listening to a Meb Faber podcast recently. Faber referenced a study by Longboard Funds' Eric Crittenden that found 80% – eighty percent – of all stocks have returned 0.0% – zilch – since 1989.

That's a pretty explosive "allegation," if you will, so I immediately geeked out! I had to track down and read the study and run a few tests on the conclusions, to see for myself and for my readers.

The finding, which I confirmed independently, is shocking: The report, with its immense implications for investors, is correct.

Let me show you what I found. More importantly, let me show you how to avoid the sad, underpaid fate of the folks who bought the 80% of stocks that are long-term duds...

Trading Strategies

Here Are the Important Levels Stocks Need to Hit This Week

Last week, I shared a really big chart with everyone; it had lots of "stuff" on it that told the story of the past few months as we transitioned from smooth, unambiguously bullish action to the violent rallies and sell-offs – volatility – that defined the end of 2018.

Today, we'll look at just very recent trading, so we can see that the two main support and resistance levels are still in play in stocks. We're not strolling down memory lane; a lot of unprepared investors are going to live or die by these levels, and folks "in the know," like us, will determine their moneymaking posture using these numbers.

In fact, I'll go one better: I'll add two levels – one short-term support level, and the longer-term resistance level that will come into play when 2,600 is finally broken one way or another.

With that, let's look at where the market "needs" to be - and where I think it might end up...

Trading Strategies

Cold, Hard, Free Cash Is Your Most Potent Weapon

Whenever markets get like they are now, everyone loves to talk cash – cash on hand, cash coming off the sidelines, going to cash, cash, cash, cash. Watch any financial news show on cable, and it won't be long before you hear it mentioned.

This is one of the funniest discussions I think I have ever heard. That it's even up for debate is pretty ridiculous, but I guess they have to fill airtime with something.

Particularly dumb is the chin-wagging about the "low returns" on cash these days.

The return on cash is minimal, I agree, and for sure it's more comfortable to hold cash when you're collecting a nice interest payment, but earning interest is not – repeat, not – why you hold cash.

How much interest does a carpenter earn on his hammer? None, of course… but he can sure make a big pile of cash putting the hammer to work.

It works the same way with stocks. Cash is a tool – an essential tool – for investors.

Having cash means you can quickly and easily take advantage of bad markets or jump on "fallen angel" opportunities that come along from time to time. Being able to do that at will is the difference between doing okay as an investor and doing really freaking fantastic as an investor.

So that leaves us with two questions: "How much cash should I have in my portfolio, and what should I do with it?"

Those are big questions that investors have grappled with for years. I'm going to show you the answers.

Not only are they simpler than anyone realizes, but they're the key to maximum wealth...

Trading Strategies

Two Simple Steps to (Really) Making More Money in 2019

Every January, without fail, TV and online publications run endless stories on the best New Year's resolutions to make. You've probably seen a million of 'em this week.

Always rounding out the top of the list: "Make more money."

And the sad truth is that, by February, at least 90% of people have already failed. It's not for lack of trying or because making more money is somehow impossible. It isn't.

In fact, it's a combination of reasons, like early setbacks, bad investing and trading research, poor risk management, or too-small gains (yes, small profits – more on that in a second).

No need to let that happen to you this year. I'm about to show you some simple steps to take to make 2019 a banner year for you, your family, and your money...

Trading Strategies

This One Chart Tells Me Where We're Going from Here

At the end of the day, an analyst's job is to take a complex thing, make some kind of good sense of it, and let his or her readers know what the data tells them.

When that complex "thing" is stocks, there are a few ways we can do that.

A fundamental analyst is going to look at things like cash flow for a company or the S&P 500, and… make some sense of it, and make an educated, informed guess as to what's going to happen – where those fundamentals will be in the future.

A technical analyst like me is going to look at history (in the form of charts) and determine – you guessed it – what's going to happen – whether history's going to repeat itself or not.

And so I'd like to share a chart with you all today. Not just "a" chart, but the chart that tells us not only where we've been, but more importantly, what to expect in the near term.

Here we go...

Trading Strategies

How Three Simple Steps Could Make You Your First Million

Maybe you're already trading successfully, or you're just about to take that all-important step, but – either way – I want to pass along a few important pieces of wisdom from one of my longtime mentors.

Yep. That's right. I'm a self-made millionaire, but I didn't get here all by myself – I had a lot of help along the way.

And if you plan on achieving millionaire status, you're going to need some help, too.

So pay close attention…

Not long ago, Atlanta Falcons Owner Arthur Blank invited me and my family to the Falcons game as his VIP guests.

And boy, did he pull out all the stops…

I thought we were just going to sit in the owner's box, but we got escorted out to the field through the same tunnel the players use – and we got to watch them warm up, too!

In fact, one of the players noticed my son wearing his number and stopped to give him a big bear hug. Some of the cheerleaders even came over to take pictures with my kids.

It was one of my best "Dad" moments…

Now, I've known Arthur for nearly 35 years – long before he became a self-made billionaire and while I was working my way through college (I'll tell you more about that in a second).

And while it may seem impossible to become a millionaire – it's actually easy to do.

But before we get into the three simple steps to making your first million, I want to share something with you about Arthur that you might not know…

I met him back in 1983, when I was working my way through college at a small little company Arthur founded called The Home Depot. Back then, there were only a handful of stores, so he used to come in at night with a bunch of pizzas and help us stock the shelves.

And it was then that he shared with me the secrets to his success...

Trading Strategies

The Presidential Cycle Isn't "Absolute Rubbish," and I Have the Data to Prove It

Many investors ask whether they have enough data to make a decision, but many times that data comes in the form of dreaded statistics.

Well, our Technical Trading Specialist is going to show you the right way to take statistics into account when getting ready to make a big-figure decision - and it's super easy...

Trading Strategies

How to Find the Cheapest, Safest Trade Every Time

Trading is hands-down the fastest-growing moneymaker on Earth. America's No. 1 Pattern Trader, Tom Gentile, for instance, has taught around 300,000 people the ins and outs of trading stocks for immense profits.

How immense? In 2017, Tom's subscribers, beginners and longtime readers, got the chance to close out 62 double- and triple-digit winners – more than one each week – all with trading. That's not counting the many single-digit profits, either.

Of course, people make mistakes along the way. Nothing wrong with that – it's perfectly normal, and they can be valuable learning experiences, but those mistakes can be expensive.

That's why Tom made the video we're about to watch: to help us all avoid those costly missteps that can take our account balances down a peg – or worse, push us out of the market altogether.

He's going to show you one of his favorite "shortcuts" for picking the right trade for extremely volatile markets, like this one.

Make no mistake: This is a trick the pros use every single day to build and maintain their edge... and rake it in hand over fist...