Archives for July 2015

July 2015 - Page 25 of 28 - Money Morning - Only the News You Can Profit From

Donald Trump Bankruptcy: A Breakdown Ahead of the 2016 Elections

On June 16, lightning rod entrepreneur Donald Trump became the twelfth Republican to announce candidacy for his party's nomination in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The move thrust the multi-billionaire's finances into the spotlight…

You see, Donald Trump's net worth currently stands at $4.1 billion. And yet the Donald Trump bankruptcy count sits at four.

However, the strength (or weakness) of Trump's financial track record going into the 2016 election lies in understanding exactly what those four Donald Trump bankruptcies were – the answer might surprise you.

Let's take a look...

What Are Money Market Funds?

What are money market funds?

That's a question all risk-averse savers sitting on a savings account with its meager returns, or on a CD with its withdrawal penalties, should be asking themselves if they're looking for a liquid investment with better returns.

Here's our look...

Greek Vote Could Mean Short-Term Chaos

Yesterday Keith sat down on FOX News while the markets roiled and distilled a very simple message about what's going wrong in Greece.

It's not primarily a political problem; it's a mathematical one. And until Greece – and an alarming number of Western governments, including the U.S. – realize that, the chaos will only continue.

Watch Keith here as he offers a valuable breakdown of Greece's woes and calmly summarizes the problem, just as he does regularly here at Money Morning...

The Safest Currencies in the World to Invest in Today

With the volatile Greek debt crisis raising concern over the stability of the global financial system, finding the safest currencies to invest in has taken on a new sense of urgency.

As a type of safe-haven investment, the safest currencies are a place where you want to have at least some money when markets are unraveling and mainstay currencies like the euro are falling.

Here are the safest currencies in the world right now...