
AMZN Stock News


New Amazon Stock Price Prediction Shows Shares Climbing to $900

Amazon stock price predictions keep rising, and the latest one is $900 a share based on the expectation of continued growth.

The e-commerce giant is continuing its assault on traditional retailers with its expanded offerings and convenient shopping experience.

Here's why the e-commerce giant is expected to crush its brick-and-mortar retail competitors in 2017...


The EU Apple Taxes Ruling: What Everybody's Missing

The European Commission ruling on Apple taxes demanding a $14.5 billion payment sounds more ominous than it is.

For one thing, Apple intends to appeal, which will take years to resolve.

But there's another reason AAPL investors have little to fear from this ruling regarding Apple taxes.

Here's why Apple will suffer minimal consequences no matter what happens...


The 3 Best Tech Stocks to Buy Can Make You Rich in Any Market

You don’t have to be a market timer to be wealthy. By investing and holding on to the best tech stocks, you can make a lot of money.

The three stocks we are going to share today have already provided returns as high as 46% over the last 12 months.

But we see these stock prices climbing even further in the future. So stop trying to time the markets and invest in these tech stocks today for the best long-term gains.