
The Smart "Low-Risk, High-Profit" Way to Own and Trade Gold Right Now

Gold, the oldest protective play there is, is new again. Coronavirus is tightening its grip on the U.S. economy. Did you see the second-quarter GDP numbers? A record-breaking 32% contraction.

The third quarter should be at least a bit better, at least on paper, but with the pandemic no one I know is staking much on that.

No wonder the yellow stuff just hit an all-time high of $1,971 and change just this past Monday. That's a gain of a bit more than 27% for 2020, and 36% for the past year.

I don't think the run is over – not by a long shot. Some conservative analysts are saying gold could top $2,000 an ounce before the year is through. I think that's just like how it sounds: conservative.

At this rate, it's not out of the question to think it could top $2,000 way before Labor Day.

Every investor should have long gold positions right now. They'll be protected, sure, and they'll see some appreciation – even more as the toppy market rolls over and the dollar weakens further.

But here's the thing: For as many investors as are rushing in right now, I'd bet very few will realize how to play gold, let alone maximize their gold profits in this climate. So, before you go out and by so much as a gram, make sure you read this, and make these exact moves… Full Story

So, before you go out and by so much as a gram, make sure you read this, and make these exact moves...

Trading Strategies

This "Special Trade" Is Tailor-Made for Your Profit Goals

Sandwiches, suits, couches, Bitcoin mining rigs – pretty much anything I can think of, there's nothing quite like getting something custom made, just the way I like it.

There's trucks, for instance. If you click here, you can take a look at my trophy-winning custom job… "Goliath."

Goliath came off the "shelf" as a Ford pickup… then we made some tweaks here and there.

I'm really proud of it (as you can see). Goliath is beautiful and practical; we regularly pile in for family road trips, rolling in style in a ride that's got "my truck" written all over it.

Putting together a good trade is the same way – custom made.

When you put on the special trade I'm going to tell you about in a second, you'll be making a move that's perfectly tailor-made to your unique risk tolerances and profit goals… Full Story

Trading Strategies

How to Bank Instant Cash and Build Real Wealth in Today's Market

The market has been in an absolute whirlwind for the past three months.

And all this volatility is creating a real wealth-building opportunity.

You see, when it comes to making money in the market, the long-term buy-and-hold method can't compare to the sheer profit speed of trading options.

But the quickest option-trading strategy of all is selling puts.

It hands you an instant cash payout the second you place the trade – and gives you the chance to own the stock at a deep discount, building permanent generational wealth.

And as a result, it requires different steps when it comes to placing your trades.

The biggest difference between selling puts and buying straight options is margin.

See, when you're buying long calls, puts, or even straight stocks, you typically need a cash account.

This means that you put up 100% of the money for the trade.

But when you're selling puts, you'll likely need a margin account.

And that's exactly what Tom wants to talk to you about today, so you know exactly how trading on margin can make you money...

Trading Strategies

The Long and the Short of It: How to Profit from the Trends Driving the Dollar

Over the weekend, Goldman Sachs released a note revealing that it's betting against the U.S. dollar, anticipating that even more investors will rush into the stock market as the U.S. economy reopens.

Plus, the Fed and Congress' massive effort to provide liquidity to the economy has dramatically expanded the central bank's balance sheet and sent U.S. debt levels to sky-high levels.

In fact, by the end of this crisis, the Fed's balance sheet could easily top $10 trillion.

In addition, the threat of another wave of coronavirus and increasing unrest across America could reduce the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency.

There are other threats that continue to creep in, just under the radar.

And whether your investing style is aggressive, conservative, or somewhere in between, there are ways to profit...


Markets Live Recap: Dow Surges 900 Points as Investors Cheer Potential Coronavirus Vaccine

Stocks had their best day since April as investors were optimistic that an effective coronavirus vaccine could soon be on the horizon.

U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell also made some long-term bullish predictions for the U.S. economy, saying the Fed will print as much money as it needs in attempts to solve any short-term problems.

The Dow closed up, 3.8%. The S&P 500 gained 3.1%. And the Nasdaq was up 2.4%.

Here's why our experts - Chris Johnson, Tom Gentile, D.R. Barton, Jr., and Shah Gilani - aren't buying it...


Markets Live Recap: Another $3 Trillion in Stimulus Money (Barely) Lifts Stocks

Markets faltered in early trading this morning as the Trump administration moved to block shipments of semiconductors to Huawei Technologies from global chipmakers.

Retails sales data also showed a 16.4% month-over-month drop in April – an all-time record.

The news sent the Dow down 1% to start the day, before it rallied and closed 0.25% higher as news surfaced that the White House would likely support a new round of stimulus checks.

The full bill would include an additional $3 trillion total worth of stimulus.

Here's what our experts – D.R. Barton, Jr., and Shah Gilani – thought about the moves in financial markets today and what they're looking for next week.



Follow Where All the Money's Going into the Market

According to the Investment Company institute (ICI), year to date, investors have taken some $291 billion out of mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.

But that's not the whole story. The ICI's numbers represent net flows, meaning there were inflows, but they were dwarfed by outflows.

The real story isn't about net outflows – it's about where the $108 billion that flowed into the market went, and how you can profit from that movement.

ETFs are much better investment vehicles than mutual funds.

They're tradable all day (which means they're infinitely more "liquid" than mutual funds), they're cheaper than mutual funds, and there are thousands of specialty ETFs that mutual funds can't touch.

And today, our Shah Gilani is going to show you where the money went and how to follow it...


Markets Live Recap: Our Experts Aren't Buying This Rally

The consensus among our experts here at Money Morning is that the worst for the economy is still yet to come…

Instead of a quick "V-shaped" rebound, they're expecting longer, drawn out, "W-shaped" recovery for stocks.

But that doesn't mean some companies aren't worth owning now…

If you're patient and know what to look for, you can trade in and out of stocks with defined momentum.

The trend is your friend.

And it gives you a higher probability of making fast money in this volatile market.

It's important to pay attention to the nuances in this market.

And our experts know exactly what to look for.

Here's what Chris Johnson, Tom Gentile, D.R. Barton, Jr., and Shah Gilani saw in the markets today, April 14...


Markets Live Recap: Our Experts Cover Jobless Claims, Fed Stimulus, and Reveal Their Best Trades

As the market continues teetering back and forth, our experts – Chris Johnson, Tom Gentile, D.R. Barton, Jr., and Shah Gilani – are live streaming what they're seeing in real time to give you actionable steps you can take to protect your portfolio and make money now.

They're doing it every day the markets are open.

And the best part is, you can act on their recommendations before most market participants catch on.

Here's what they covered in their live streams segments today, April 9...


The 2 Best Ways to Hedge Coronavirus Volatility

Even though the U.S. Federal Reserve suddenly cut interest rates 50 basis points on Tuesday to combat the market dropping 12% last week, it wasn’t enough to calm markets down.

The day of the emergency rate cut, the Dow Jones dropped 700 points.

On Wednesday, the Dow was up 1,100 points… Only to give back most of the gains on Thursday, when it dropped another 1,000 points.

And halfway through the trading day Friday, it’s already down another 600 points.

Whether coronavirus is the event that takes out the market or not, you have to be prepared.

You need a plan.

And we’ve done the research on how to protect your money.

Here are the two best ways to hedge coronavirus fears in case this volatility continues.