Aurora Cannabis Inc


This Mystery Trader Just Made a $35,524 Cannabis "Bet"

Earlier this year, I took the big step of calling Canopy Growth Corp. the "Microsoft of Cannabis."

I wasn't just trying to make waves – there's a good reason I said that. Canopy is making the moves it needs to make to be one of the most (if not the most) successful cannabis companies in the world.

These folks are not shy about their global ambitions.

And it turns out I'm not the only one who thinks so.

See, Canopy's price has been depressed since the summer – it's been happening with the whole cannabis sector, as we've seen.

But one trader – who I happen to think is onto something big – believes the stock turnaround could come in the next two weeks.

And this trader has put $35,524 of their hard-earned capital on the line to back up that belief.

Personally, I think it's a really smart move. And I believe it can tell us a lot about Canopy's immediate future, the future of the marijuana sector, and – best of all – how we can make some money there.

Take a look… Full Story

Take a look...

Marijuana Industry

Ignore Cannabis ETFs and Bank 200% Gains with This Marijuana Stock

The legal cannabis industry is expected to grow from $55 billion to $146 billion by 2025 – 265% growth in five years.

Some take that as a signal to go invest in the whole industry through cannabis ETFs.

But sometimes, if you hastily throw all of your money at an ETF, you run the risk of being a jack of all trades and master of none – or worse, taking a big loss.

And our best marijuana stock is a backdoor play you might not have heard of yet.

Read more here...


These Charts Reveal the "Perfect Price" for These Big Pot Stocks

Technical analysis is the study of human psychology, which is represented in the form of price action on a chart. You analyze the stock itself.

Technical analysts look for repeatable patterns and indications that can predict future price movements. Since human psychology and emotions will always be a factor in stock markets, the study of historical price movements of a stock relays the fear and greed associated with that stock.

Let's look at two technical tools that I use often – which is to say, every day the markets are open.

The first shows the movement of price in a group of stocks relative to each other. The second is a broadly watched tool that shows us both the long-term trend of a stock and important areas of support and resistance.

These two tools working together are going to reveal exactly when we should be moving on these stars of the $20 billion North American cannabis sector...

Trading Strategies

There's a Whole New Way to Profit in the Red-Hot Marijuana Sector

We can't overstate the importance of the 2018 Farm Bill for the American cannabis business enough.

But there's another, far less well-known law on the books that was fully implemented in 2016 and it's an absolutely earth-shattering development for marijuana investors.

In fact, it opens the door to a galaxy of investing opportunities in the cannabis sector.

Here's Greg with all the details and ways to profit...