Archives for June 2015

June 2015 - Page 7 of 25 - Money Morning - Only the News You Can Profit From

How to Become Immortal: Peter Thiel's "Fight Against Death"

Humans have always asked how to become immortal. From ancient China's "Mushroom of Immortality," to 17th century France's Philosopher's Stone, to Harry Potter's Horcruxes, it's a riddle that's plagued humankind from the beginning.

The difference is that now, the right people are tackling the question. People who can actually do something about it with modern technology.

People like billionaire tech visionary Peter Thiel...

The Greek Opportunity That's Being Missed

As Greece approaches its next payment deadline, the rhetoric and the stakes are boiling over.

The IMF recently quit negotiations in Brussels, saying it had reached a stalemate.

Then Greek Prime Minister Tsipras said the IMF had "criminal responsibility" for his country's debt crisis.

With a looming deadline, now Russia has stepped to the fore, with overtures of financial aid.

It might be too late – but with a "Grexit" appearing closer than ever, the markets remain calm.

Here's why, and how to profit...

The Real Reason Russia and China Are Dumping U.S. Debt

The dollar is a weapon, built up by the U.S. debt to foreign nations and protected by U.S. military might.

But the U.S.'s financial foes aren't taking it anymore. They want to bring an end to this financial weaponization of the dollar.

And in doing so, they are going to do whatever it takes to both diminish the dollar's role as a reserve currency and introduce a new international payments system to settle global transactions...