
trading strategies

Trading Strategies

The Dirty Shopping Season Secret "They" Don't Want You to Know About

I don't want to get into one of my "commercialization of Christmas" rants, but my biggest issue with the whole Christmas shopping season is that Americans fall for this blatant scam every single year.

Now, I'm not here to fight the culture wars, but I do have an agenda: to tell you the truth – and point you toward "unreasonably" good profits.

With that said…

They already screwed up Christmas, and now they've screwed up my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving, with this destructive Black Friday con.

In fact, if I were ever CEO of a retailer, I'd gather all the executives during our first meeting and ask them, "What's your Black Friday strategy for next Thanksgiving?"

Anyone who had plans would be fired.

Hear me out...

Trading Strategies

When Laws Pass, Pot Stocks Soar

Back in September, when I made "Four High-Profit Predictions About Pot Stock Investing in 2018," I recommended investors get prepared for what I believe will be one of the most significant moneymaking triggers we've ever seen…

I'm talking about California, of course, and its upcoming Jan. 1, 2018, total legalization of marijuana.

That means medical patients and adult recreational users alike will be able to use cannabis and buy from legitimate, regulated businesses starting Jan. 1 in California.

Now, as you know, legal marijuana is already booming in the 29 U.S. states where recreational and/or medical cannabis is legal.

But California, the nation's most populous state and, indeed, the world's sixth-largest economy, is in a class by itself.

Total legalization here could open up the money floodgates for folks who own the right stocks.

So let's look at what we know so far... and why this is huge news for small pot stocks...

Trading Strategies

This Guy Is Betting $10 Million That He Can Show You 350% Gains Every Week

Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald has, time and again, lamented that hardworking folks are duped by their own financial advisors…

So he took his 35 years' worth of market analyses and trading acumen to devise a strategy that can make you 350% total gains on average every week (including partial closeouts).

In fact, he's so confident in his tactic that he's wagering $10 million on its success.

Trading Strategies

The Hottest Way to Trade the "Retail Ice Age"

There are a few popular names for what brick-and-mortar retail is going through right now: "Amazon-ization," the "Retail Apocalypse," or, my own personal favorite, the "Retail Ice Age."

The good news for traders is, there are even more ways to make money on companies with sagging sales and collapsing stock prices.

The thing is, not all retail stocks are headed directly for extinction. Some left-for-dead retail names have seen dramatic price spikes.

Which is more good news for traders, because it's also easy to make money on beaten-up retail stocks when they do break out to the upside.

Let me show you how easy it is to make money on the ups and downs of retail stocks - something we do all the time in my Zenith Trading Circle trading research service...

Trading Strategies

How to Play Alibaba and Amazon (Without Buying a Share)

There's no two ways about it: 40,000 jobs in retail have been lost this year. We might see a seasonal surge in numbers here shortly, but I don't think it will have staying power.

In fact, retail could still do worse – much worse – with more of these companies closing more of their stores. Macy's is closing 15% of their stores – one of the so-called mall "anchor" stores, along with other troubled names like Sears, Nordstrom, and JC Penney.

Morgan Stanley agrees with me, and it says the pain for Macy's and Nordstrom is NOT over.

That's a profit opportunity in and of itself, but I want to make the most possible money from the upcoming shopping season right now.

I've got shopping of my own to do, after all.

The way I see it, this is the best way to do that...