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Trading Strategies

Buy Now: MSFT and GOOGL Will Soar Under Divided Government (the Gains Are Already Starting)

As of midday Thursday, we've still got no definitive result from the Nov.

3 election.

Indeed, it's still anyone's game.

And the markets are loving it.

So D.R.

appeared on FOX Business' Varney & Co.

to talk about why stocks were rallying with so much up in the air, and he even named the two stocks he thinks will be truly outstanding performers in this environment…



Why Big Tech Stocks Have Nothing to Fear from Antitrust Suits

Many investors in Big Tech stocks were likely concerned when they heard that the Department of Justice had filed am antitrust suit against Google.

After all, antitrust rumors have dogged every Big Tech company for years.

But now it looks like regulators are getting serious.

While thing may look ominous, the chances are very good the Big Tech companies won't feel much pain from antitrust actions.

In fact, investors may well come out ahead…

Trading Strategies

The Perfect Stocks to Own When You Just Don't Know

On Wall Street, they live and die on information; fortunes are made and lost depending on the quality and timeliness of the intel. Traders – good ones – are some of the most clued-up people around.

So what happens when we're in a situation where there just isn't enough information yet?

Because at this point, we really don't know who's going to win the election. We've got polls, predictions, pundits – all of it sorta-kinda pointing one way – but the hard truth is we really have no idea.

In fact, I'd argue that we're close to the maximum; the most uncertainty since COVID-19 began to spread here last winter.

So what's the smart move now? Well, lots of people are trading volatility right now, but that's the "hot" move, not the smart move.

The real smart money is going to where the certainty is… Full Story

The real smart money is going to where the certainty is...


Rich Investors Are Buying These 2 Tech Stocks Now

Rich investors are taking advantage tech stocks right now.

According to Dataroma, a website that tracks 68 of the world's top billionaire portfolio managers like Buffett, Marks, Ackman and more, five of the top stocks rich investors own are Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Apple.

This is unsurprising, as these are some of the biggest and most popular stocks in the world.

What is more interesting and useful for retail investors like us, however, are the stocks they're buying now that are flying under the radar.

Thanks to the SEC filings billionaire portfolio managers are required to submit quarterly, we can track exactly which companies these are.

This will give you an advantage over most investors because you're essentially getting inside info on the stocks the big guys are buying that other people don't know about yet…



Take a Profitable “Strategic Break” from Trading with These Three Plays

Right now, the most popular trade is betting on uncertainty due to the upcoming election, surging COVID-19 cases worldwide, and the stimulus standoff.

While we’re well-hedged and prepared for what’s coming, not running with the crowd will hand us the real profits.

So instead of getting in late on the volatility trade, Chris will show you how to make these low-risk, but extremely profitable moves today… .



The Real Supreme Court Bombshell Could Ignite One Sector

It's all over the news today: Senate Republicans unanimously voted to advance Amy Coney Barrett's nomination for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court to the full Senate.

Meanwhile, a court matter of huge importance to investors isn't front-page news, but most definitely should be: The Supreme Court may very well have the $9 trillion tech sector – particularly the FAANGs – in its sights.

Of course, the Supreme Court hears and rules on cases of national and even global importance sometimes. But it's not every day a case like Malwarebytes Inc. v. Enigma Software Group USA LLC comes up. This case concerns massive issues of technology, money, freedom of speech, and everything that stems from that – including the elections – all rolled into one.

There's a lot at stake here, and I'm going to walk you through what's going on because, as I said, this is a $9 trillion issue impacting some of the richest, best-performing stocks in the market. Vast fortunes, including countless retirement accounts, are in play.

Which way the court decides to go here is going to impact the stock market like a ton of bricks… or, on the other hand, a tank of jet fuel… Full Story

Which way the court decides to go here is going to impact the stock market like a ton of bricks... or, on the other hand, a tank of jet fuel...


This Biotech Has Delivered 1,000% in Profits So Far; Here’s What’s Next

One perfectly positioned biotech Don’s going to tell you about today is close to hitting the crucial $1 billion threshold.

It hasn’t happened yet, but when it does, they’ll have done it faster than the likes of Apple or Google.

And if you’re finding out about it now, you’re just in time because the setup looks very promising.

But you’ll have to act fast, and grab the shares before Wall Street finds out about it….