


25 Questions Hillary Clinton Must Answer Before Election Day

For the most part, Hillary Clinton has managed to dodge questions about how and why she used a private email server while she served as secretary of state.

But now a federal judge says she has only until the end of September to answer 25 pointed questions under oath about her long-running email scandal. The questions stem from a lawsuit by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.

Here's the complete list of questions the group has posed to Hillary Clinton...


How Shockingly Similar Donald Trump's Campaign Is to 1968's Nixon and Wallace

Donald Trump's controversial candidacy has disturbing similarities to not one but two campaigns from 1968.

The Trump campaign has pulled pages from the playbooks of both disgraced President Richard Nixon, the "law and order" candidate, and third-party segregationist candidate George Wallace.

But Donald Trump seems to have the most in common with Wallace, and these similarities don't reflect well on the billionaire...