
Investment Advice

Market Correction

What's the Difference Between a Bear Market and a Stock Market Correction?

There certainly is plenty to worry about these days but if you listen to the media and many so-called experts, you would think that the sky is literally falling.

Make no mistake, there is real risk here, but don't let the news make you panic.

Today, we're going to look at past bear markets to see if we can find opportunities in this one...

Market Crash

A Potential Coronavirus "Second Wave" in the Fall Would Slam Stocks Again

Fears sparked by the coronavirus outbreak have whipsawed stocks.

But the current outbreak could just be the "first wave" of a seasonal disease that will strike again in the fall. If that happens, it will deliver another gut punch to markets.

For investors, it's a lot to digest.

That's why it's important to monitor the situation and above all be prepared no matter what happens.

Here's how you can navigate this treacherous waters...


How Long Will This Stock Market Volatility Last? Here's Your Action Plan

When this kind of volatility hits the market, you absolutely need a plan. That's exactly what we'll give you today.

Make no mistake, this type of volatility in the market is historic.

For guidance, we turned to Money Morning's experts who have seen it all over their decades in the market.

Here's what's next for the markets and how you can plan ahead...


How to Trade Coronavirus Volatility for 450% Gains

Fears over the coronavirus have brought volatility back in a big way.

Last week, the CBOE Volatility Index ($VIX) rocketed 88% higher.

But don't let that scare you. Volatility means stocks move.

That means more potential to profit.

We're taking advantage of that by trading options on some of the stocks most affected by the volatility and we've already bagged gains of 450% and 50% in just a week.

And we're going to keep going this week with this trade...

Wall Street

Why the E-Trade Merger Is a Bad Deal for Investors Like You

We're always skeptical when Wall Street takes away your choices.

They are only doing it to make more money from you and that is exactly what we see happening with Morgan Stanley's (NYSE: MS) acquisition of E-Trade Financial Corp. (NASDAQ: ETFC).

As their new client, you will be part of a new revenue generation stream that goes beyond simple brokerage commissions.

Here's what to look out for to protect your money when Wall Street wants even more of it...

Marijuana Industry

Caliva Stock Is Just One of Many Ways to Start Investing in Cannabis

Caliva is a Californian cannabis startup that's getting a big boost from legendary quarterback Joe Montana.

Montana's venture capital fund, Liquid 2 Ventures, has a stake in Caliva.

The marijuana startup raised $75 million funding last year.

The company offers retail cannabis stores and same-day delivery and is using the funding to expand its operations.

But there are even more opportunities out there, you just need to know where to look.

And Joe Montana is here to help.



SpaceX Is Taking Customers to Space, but Is the Stock Worth a Buy After an IPO?

There is nothing that excites the imagination more than outer space.

Up until recently, the only way to get there was to become an astronaut.

Now Elon Musk's SpaceX is back in the news after signing a deal to take customers to orbit in the next two years.

But there's more to the story.

Here's what you need to know about a possible SpaceX IPO and how you can start investing in space travel right now...