
Investment Advice


This Tool Is Tripling Returns Left and Right

According to the Options Clearing Corp. (OCC), the average daily options volume was 6,470 in 1973, the year in which listed, exchange-traded options first launched.

Since then, the average daily options volume has soared to 16,443,005 – 2,500 times more than it was over 40 years ago.

And since weekly options trading started, it's become the most widely traded of any options class – averaging 25% of any option on the S&P 500.

This impressive growth is no coincidence. People are making a beeline to options trading because, the truth is, there's simply no better, easier way to risk so little and still make piles of money in days or weeks.

You just can't top options for big returns, and now the "secret" is out, and regular investors know it.

Take a look at what these can do for your bottom line...

Trading Strategies

How to Profit in This "Boxed" Market

The market is sending us decidedly mixed signals right now. We've had some welcome upward moves lately, notwithstanding a little halfhearted profit-taking yesterday.

Analysts all have different explanations for the buoyant markets – oil prices, the strong dollar, an uptick in dealmaking, and now even surging new home sales. Those are all to the good, but I think they're overestimating the importance of those factors.

Don't get me wrong – it's OK to get excited about the rally, because there are some constructive technical reasons to like it. Critically, lots of stocks in most sectors have come along for the ride.

But here's where those mixed signals I was talking about come in. The welcome upward moves just haven't been able to get the markets out of the "box" they've been stuck in for the past eight weeks or so. And, as you'll see, there's still a great deal of uncertainty about one sector in particular.

So I'm going to show you what my technical analysis reveals about how we can get "out" of the box, and where we'll likely land when we get there.

And then I'll recommend some profit plays to make right now...

Trading Strategies

How to Invest for Permanent Wealth with $5,000

There's one guaranteed, can't-miss way to go flat broke and leave nothing behind…

It's easy; all you have to do is listen to the doomsayers and keep your money out of the markets and on the sidelines. Depreciation and inflation will take you most of the way toward abject penury, and then once you die, the taxman will come and pick over what remains. You can rest assured… he won't miss a cent.

That's the reason why "in or out?" is hands down the most important, challenging investment decision you'll ever face. "What to buy?" pales in comparison.

So when I realized that the endless cable news debates over volatility and where stocks would go next were scaring folks onto the sidelines and into catastrophic losses, I went ahead and published an easy, one-stock investing strategy that anyone could use to make the right decision and build their future… with just $1,000.

I call it my "One-Grand Approach to Wealth."

Today I'm going to go "one better" and show you how you can do even more with $5,000 to invest. It's just as easy, and it can be made all but totally automatic, just like my "One-Grand Approach."

But first, let me show you exactly what you're risking by keeping your hard-earned money out of the stock market.

This is as sobering as it is surprising...