Archives for June 2016

June 2016 - Page 22 of 28 - Money Morning - Only the News You Can Profit From

The Tao of the DAO: Why It's Too Early to Jump on This Fintech Innovation

The DAO is a fintech organization that just raised the largest amount of money ever through crowdfunding – $167 million.

On paper, it sounds great: An autonomous organization that uses the blockchain and cryptocurrency to invest in cutting-edge startups via shareholder votes.

But the DAO has an existential problem - it's trying something that's never been attempted. And these obstacles stand in its path...

End the Fed... and Move the Country Forward

The name "Federal Reserve System" is supposed to conjure up nice, comforting images of a safety net, of a system to safeguard the economy of the United States. In fact, its creators were adamant about not calling it a bank… because banks and bankers were feared and loathed then – as they mostly are now.

But the truth is, the Federal Reserve System (remember, it's not a bank, it's a "system") is killing this country.

And the damage control we heard from Janet Yellen yesterday just proves how screwed over everyone who lives, works, pays taxes, has a bank account, or invests in this country really is, all thanks to the Fed.

They're false prophets with a god complex - the most dangerous kind...