Archives for August 2017

August 2017 - Page 5 of 25 - Money Morning - Only the News You Can Profit From

My Favorite Biometrics Play Is 25% Off Right Now

The iPhone 8 is set to hit the streets this fall, and all indications are it'll be the smash hit we've been expecting.

Of course, the Apple fans out there are excited, as we knew they would be. I'm fired up, too, but for an entirely different reason.

Now, it's not because of what the iPhone 8 is – the latest iteration of an outrageously popular and undeniably cool piece of personal tech…

And it's not for what the new iPhone represents – the 10th anniversary of "iEverything"…

Rather, it's because of what the iPhone 8 has…


That's right: The iPhone 8 (and, in short order, nearly every smart device that hits the market) will have some extremely sophisticated biometric technology onboard, largely thanks to this company...

Why the Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF Suddenly Is Looking Better to the SEC

The SEC is much more likely to approve the Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF than it was as recently as a month ago.

When the SEC rejected the Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust in March, its biggest issue was with the unregulated Bitcoin markets – but new developments have changed that picture.

In fact, the climate is now so favorable that a big ETF name, VanEck, just submitted its own Bitcoin ETF proposal to the SEC.

Here's what changed - and how a wave of new ETFs will affect the Bitcoin price...

Don't Wait for a Stock Market Crash Prediction to Plan Ahead

It's nearly impossible to make an accurate stock market crash prediction, which is why investors should always be prepared for the worst…

While a stock market crash might not seem very likely right now – the Dow is up over 10% this year alone – there are signs that stock prices are overvalued currently.

Here are the stock market crash warning signs we've found, and we'll tell you how to protect your money if the market falls...