Archives for October 2015

October 2015 - Page 26 of 30 - Money Morning - Only the News You Can Profit From

Wasteful Government Spending: Walls That Melt in the Rain, Catfish Inspectors, and More

With a national debt of $18.4 trillion, you'd think that tracking down and eliminating wasteful government spending would be more of a U.S. priority.

In the tradition of retired Sen. Tom Coburn, two lawmakers, Rep. Steve Russell, R-OK, and Sen. John McCain, R-AZ, are now publishing examples of government waste.

Here are 11 hard-to-stomach instances of wasteful government spending...

Where the Next Oil Sector Profits Will Be Made (It's Not What You Think)

We now have another indication that the oil pricing environment is causing a constriction in forward project commitments: Two more oil majors recently announced that they will cut capital spending.

These two announcements are the tip of a much bigger iceberg. The curtailment of future project commitments is just one of the results of low prices.

Here's the other major effect, how it will shake up the oil sector, and how one group of companies will come out on top...

Take This Quiz to Find Out What Trading Strategies to Use

When it comes to trading, determining what type of trader you are will help dictate what types of trading strategies you use and how often you use them.

The good news is, it's pretty easy to figure out what kind of trader you are. In fact, it's almost as easy as taking a quiz on social media… except it can be a lot more lucrative too.

Today, I'm going to tell you how to determine what kind of trader you are, and why it's absolutely crucial to your success in the markets...

Make Double-Digit Profits on the World's Cheap Growth Addiction

History shows that the best thing a country can do to get out of dire financial straits is to make structural reforms.

But it can take years – long, difficult years – for the country that's attempting reform, and the politicians responsible have a funny way of not getting re-elected.

Now we have proof from the International Monetary Fund, which is meeting in Peru right now, of why countries are using this method more often today. The IMF has released a strategically timed report that confirms currency devaluation is effective at boosting a nation's GDP.

Currency wars don't really help in the long run, of course. Debt weighs even more heavily, and the piper must always be paid. But these bouts of manipulation can create huge opportunities for savvy investors...