
Best Investments


The Best Stocks to Buy in October 2016

The best stocks to buy in October 2016 are solid investments in any market conditions.

They include a tech juggernaut that could deliver triple-digit returns in just a few years… a defense stock that doubles as a cybersecurity play… and an e-commerce firm that could become the first trillion-dollar company – and see its shares nearly quadruple in value.

Get our list of the best stocks to buy right here...


Get Ready for Another Round of Triple-Digit Gains... Courtesy of the WTO

I remember a bitter global trade dispute from my days as a reporter, back in the 1990s – you might, too.

Rochester, N.Y.-based Eastman Kodak alleged Japanese rival Fujifilm was employing unfair practices – colluding with the Japanese government to create a "profit sanctuary," and erecting trade and distribution barriers – to dampen competition in Japan and abroad, and achieve dominance in the world photo products market.

From what I could see, anecdotally, Kodak's claims had at least some merit. The European Commission agreed, but the World Trade Organization didn't see it that way; Fuji was allowed to continue to press its advantage.

Winning the dispute made Fuji a bigger, bolder company. It invested in itself. I went on a tour of Fuji's Greenwood, S.C. plant, and it blew Kodak's facilities out of the water; it was "modular," modern, more efficient, and more easily able to adapt to fluctuations in market preferences.

Of course, the birth of digital photography soon made the dispute academic. We never got to see how it all might've played out.

Now, I mention all this because the WTO just issued another landmark ruling in a major international trade dispute with billions at stake.

I can't say history is repeating, though – this time, the organization sided with the American firm and against its rival in Europe.

That's great news for American industry, but especially for my readers. They've got the chance to reap a whole new batch of profits – after we've already seen peak gains of 157%.

We're backing the winning horse here, folks...


Market Volatility Could Roar Back This Month

This August of 2016 was one of the most placid in market memory, a stark contrast to the record high volatility of August 2015, to say nothing of August's traditional volatility. But last month's markets traded in the tightest range ever, a trend we're still seeing in September.

But… as sure as your summer tan will fade to pale, the coming market volatility will turn you white with fear if you're not prepared.

Now, when most investors think about volatility they think about the VIX, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) Volatility Index. Often referred to as the "Fear Index," the VIX represents one measure of the market's expectations of volatility over the next 30 days.

And this upcoming 30 days – critical days for the market – could get extraordinarily rough.

Buckle up...