This Fintech Startup Ticks All the Right Boxes

By Money Morning  

Editor's note: 90% of Americans have no knowledge of this investing solution… and yet the 10% of folks “in the know” make up part of America’s ultrarich. They’re well aware that this is statistically 1,650X better than stocks. It’s no wonder investments like this make up the bulk of their portfolios.

Dear Red Alert Reader,

Summer is right around the corner, which means summer sun, food fun, and tons of traveling.

Of course, this year, that travel will be less fun and more painful, given the current state of affairs in the oil markets. We're sure you've felt the pain at the gas pump many times in these last few weeks alone. Experts reckon relief is still months away, and right now, the U.S. national average price for regular unleaded is north of $4.27 per gallon.

Of course, rising fuel prices affect Americans differently. For some, it's painful in passing. But for others, it's debilitating.

Coupled with inflation running at 7.5% and the Federal Reserve's recent 25-basis-point hike in interest rates, many households are now in a dire position. Forget saving for emergencies or retirement - they can barely make ends meet anymore.

Of course, you probably already know this.

But what's not widely known is there's a potential solution waiting in the wings at a small company - take a look at this Private Deal Partners find...

This Could Right Wrongs and Save Americans' Savings

The Angels + Entrepreneurs Network is all startups, and startups are all about starting problems.

Legendary angel investor and "People's Shark," Daymond John, recently spotlighted a startup that is solving the sticky personal finance problem afflicting so many Americans!

And we want to make sure you get all the details.

It all started in a dorm room, back during The Great Recession... and now it's helping people learn to manage their money, gain valuable incentives, and plan for financial freedom - even during the ebbs and flows of the uncertain economic times of today.

For startup investors like us, the story gets better: Not only are we supporting the mission to improve lives, but we're getting a stake in a hot space. The demand in the global fintech market is upwards of $5.5 trillion. The personal finance app market - which is the space this startup operates - could reach $2.01 billion by 2028.

Financial planning services are becoming part of normalized conversations. Consumers want to be able to customize their savings plans according to their individual needs and lifestyle.

Even opportunities like angel investing have become part of daily conversation. People want to find new ways to make their money work for them and support businesses that bring real solutions to real problems that we all face now and for the future.

In short, this startup is in the right place at exactly the right time.

Watch this video with Daymond for the full story.

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