Your Vote Is In...

Thanks for casting your vote...

Due to the high volume of responses, we're sending you a personalized link with the most up-to-date counts (including yours) that'll be in your email inbox within five minutes.

If you don't see it, please check your spam folder and drag the email to your primary inbox.

While you'll soon see how your vote stacks up against others', I want to let you in on a little secret...

The answers don't really matter.

There's no restriction for how much money you can make on each one of the stocks - and many, many more - no matter which one actually moves up the highest this year.

And that's what we'll show you here at Money Morning.

AI stocks are obviously a huge trend - there's been a million ways to make money on it since 2021 and there'll be about ten million more over the next few years. You can follow our weekly analysis by clicking here. There'll be market overviews, stock deep dives, buy and sell recommendations, and more.

I also know that you may want to follow your vote. We cover each stock rather extensively each month, and you can find their latest archives (which, of course, we'll be adding to) by clicking on each one of the company's names below...






You'll see shortly that by entering in your email for the results of the poll, you did much more than qualify yourself to see how your vote compares to everyone else's.

You've joined a mission to uncover 1,001 ways to make money every week in the stock market utilizing specialized investing and trading tactics, unconventional insight, and contrarian principles.

No one woke up this morning telling themselves they wanted yet another financial news publication in their email inbox. But we're quite certain that the vast majority of those people woke up and probably wanted to make more money.

And that's exactly why we're here.

We're excited you're here too, the link to the results should be in your inbox now.


Nick Riso

Publisher, Money Morning