Your Link Is On Its Way!

A few months ago, we, at Money Morning, realized that hundreds, thousands, of investors were going to miss out on what could be a major wealth event coming this summer.

Crypto has been in the doldrums since April, which has left most investors asleep. The mainstream media won't stop analyzing this period as something wholly negative...

But after speaking to three of the top crypto minds in the industry, James Altucher of Paradigm Press, Ian King of Banyan Hill Publishing, and Sam Volkering of Southbank Investment Research, we have other ideas.

The Bitcoin halving - a monumentally cataclysmic event of which you'll learn all about now that you're part of the "inner circle" - has brought a similar price pattern every four years since 2008.

Which means this "doldrum" period is normal...

And so is a parabolic runup in crypto prices short after this lulling is over.

That's what we'll be talking about in this Roundtable. This opportunity is so big that we would consider it a disservice not to bring this to your attention.

The email containing all details - including the video link - should be within your inbox within 15 minutes.

Keep an eye out.

In the meantime, during our time setting up this Roundtable, one of our guests, James Altucher of Paradigm Press, released brand-new research on a pocket of the crypto market we aren't covering in full detail here.

Check out his latest research by clicking here or on the image below…