amzn Inc


Markets Live Recap: Nasdaq Hits Longest Winning Streak of the Year

Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ: FB), Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN), Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX), and Alphabet Inc. (NASDSAQ: GOOGL) all traded higher today.

And they carried the Nasdaq Composite to its sixth consecutive positive trading day – its longest winning streak this year.

The S&P 500 started the day down about 0.75%, but was able to close about even thanks to tech.

Here's what our experts - Chris Johnson, Tom Gentile, and Shah Gilani - saw today and how they recommend investors position themselves as we head into another week of earnings...

Penny Stocks

The Best Penny Stock to Buy Today Is Getting a 104% Catalyst

Chances are, you've ordered something online recently. Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) had to hire 175,000 new workers to meet a surge in demand this year.

That's major fuel for our best penny stock in 2020.

In fact, this one could grow 104% in just a few months.

But it won't stop there.

We're talking about a trend set to outlast the pandemic.

It's going to transform domestic shipping as we know it...


How to Use Earnings Season to Make Winning Options Trades

It's no surprise to most investors that earnings drive stock prices.

That's why the financial media devotes so much time to covering earnings reports.

In fact, earnings can be the catalyst that gets prices moving in a big way and in a short period of time.

It's no wonder why options traders tend salivate like Pavlov's dog during earnings season.

But trying to guess what a stock will do heading into its earnings report and right afterward is tough game to play.

Plus, you will be up against Wall Street pros with their armies of number crunchers and computer power, making your odds of success much lower.

Fortunately, there's a better way.



This 5G Stock Touches Every Part of the $3.5 Trillion IT Sector

Allied Market Research expects the 5G technology sector to explode from $5.53 billion today to $667.90 billion in 2026.

An 11,977% projection.

Today, we're going to show you a 5G stock with a hand in every part of that growth.

That 122% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for the industry is easy dismiss at first.

The average S&P 500 CAGR is 7.20%.

I'll be the first to admit that it sounds crazy.

But when you think about it, almost every technological advancement on the horizon either depends on 5G, or it's preparing for it.

5G is a landmark in human history.



This Backdoor Play on Amazon's Tremendous Growth Will Pay You Every Quarter

While the market has made quite an amazing rally over the last few weeks, we are not out of the woods yet.

But regardless of where the market goes from here, there is one type of business I can always count on: e-commerce.

And that's especially true in today's world.

In short, e-commerce is saving the day and giving people the ability to stay in their homes.

This is why I am looking to invest in this unstoppable trend with this backdoor play...

dow jones

Dow Jones Slides After Weak Outlooks from Apple, Amazon and Other Tech Firms

The Dow Jones is sliding on weal outlooks from some of Silicon Valley's largest companies.

The S&P 500 jumped 12.7% in April, and the Dow gained 11.1% for the month.

It was the Dow's fourth-largest monthly return since World War II and the best in 33 years.

But it's likely we're just beginning to see the economic effects of the pandemic.

Here's everything moving the Dow today.



Markets Live Recap: Unemployment Totals Top 30 Million

Another 3.8 million Americans filed for unemployment this past week, bringing the total unemployed to over 30 million people.

The consensus estimate was for 3 million job losses, but coronavirus surprised to the upside yet again.

Stocks traded about 1% lower in early trading and found little support throughout the trading day, closing around the same level.

Here's what our experts – Chris Johnson, Tom Gentile, D.R. Barton, Jr., and Shah Gilani – saw in the markets today and think investors should be positioning themselves as we head into Friday trading.



Three "COVID-Killer" Technologies - and Three Ways Investors Can Ride Along for Profit

The coronavirus pandemic is absolutely one of the biggest crises – and greatest tragedies – of this generation.

But trouble also spurs action – so that new ways of thinking tackle new threats like COVID-19.

And more than any other, one word characterizes these new ideas.

I'm talking about "innovation."

Now, I don't think there's any doubt among scientists, doctors, and drug executives that COVID-19 has created a huge paradigm shift.

The pandemic is prompting company executives, researchers, government officials, and medical scientists to seek new ways to do things – as well as the technologies that can fuel those new approaches.

The bottom line: All these folks are looking to use existing technologies to tamp down on the coronavirus pandemic.

And once they've succeeded – as they will – these new ways of doing things will mostly be here to stay.

That means the technologies that made this all possible will be major beneficiaries going forward.

Three areas of technology stand to be the biggest winners of all.

Today, I'm going to show you those three winners. All told, the three segments I want to walk you through today are on their way to being worth more than $70 billion on a global basis.

And I'm also going to detail three investments that will allow you to ride these new tech waves – and profit – in an equally meaningful way.

So let's get started… Full Story

So let's get started...


Markets Live Recap: Why the Dow Fell for the First Time in 5 Trading Days

Stocks started the day up about 1%, building on yesterday's positive momentum that 12 states were looking to reopen parts of their economies.

But as the latest earnings reports of the FAANG stocks came into focus, investors became nervous.

This afternoon, these market leaders started selling off ahead of their conference calls with analysts later this week.

That's what ultimately drove the market down mid-day and into the close.

Here's what our experts - Chris Johnson, Tom Gentile, D.R. Barton, Jr., and Shah Gilani - saw in the stock, bond, and gold markets today, April 28...