amzn Inc


Here's a High-Profit "Kicker" for Your Microsoft Stock

I've recommended Microsoft several times over the years, each time with more conviction as its Azure service solidifies its position alongside Amazon Web Services as one of two "kingpin" players in Cloud computing.

That hasn't changed, and it won't anytime soon.

But today, I'm recommending it for a reason that's much more immediate and tangible in our everyday lives.

See, in as soon as 90 days, "Mr. Softy" will hit markets with an upgrade to its signature Windows operation system.

That move is going to catalyze incredible profits from here – and, yes, that's really saying something, considering…

  • The four times we've already doubled our money on Microsoft.
  • The fact that MSFT shares are up more than 46% (against the NASDAQ's 42%) since the March bottom.

So, by all means, put Microsoft in the very bedrock of your portfolio. But I'm going to tell you about another holding I think will work with Microsoft to put you over the top.

In other words, own this, and do even better in the long run… Full Story

In other words, own this, and do even better in the long run... Full Story

Trading Strategies

This Is Hands-Down the Most Extreme Profit Upside of 2020

I'll come right out and say it: I've always dreaded and hated grocery shopping. Even during the best of times, before "social distancing" and "quarantine" were a way of life, I just couldn't stand it; I avoided it whenever I could.

Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and trips out – to mostly empty shelves – became a roll of the dice with my health… fuggetabouddit.

Looks like I'm in good company: Retail sales tanked more than 16% in April as the pandemic took hold. By May, they swung back and rebounded more than 17%, but even that was around 6% lower than May 2019.

Here's the thing, though… The massive, wholesale move to online shopping has led to forecasts of 18% growth in e-commerce.

When you think about it, that growth is no mystery. Except for filling up my tank (which I'm not doing often these days), I'm doing just about all my shopping online. Instacart, Amazon, eBay – name it, and I've probably bought there recently.

Hundreds of millions of other consumers have, too. It's created an extremely bullish setup for the entire e-commerce segment.

And I don't think that boom is over, not by a long shot. That means there's plenty of time left for "smart money" moves in this space… Full Story

And I don't think that boom is over, not by a long shot. That means there's plenty of time left for "smart money" moves in this space...

Trading Strategies

How to Find "Double-Your-Money Fast" Trades

We've all had "that feeling" about a stock.

That moment when you've done your fundamental and technical research, you've narrowed down your choices, your account balance is looking good, you've got capital ready…

And now you've got "that feeling," backed up by data, that the stock you've picked is going to move – up or down, bearish or bullish.

Now it's time to play that stock for the biggest, fastest profit possible. But for a lot of traders, that's easier said than done.

That's why today, our Tom Gentile wants to show you the simple trick that makes choosing that trade much easier...


Markets Live Recap: Nasdaq Hits Another Record High Thanks to These Tech Stocks

The WorldWide Developers Conference has certainly been a tailwind for tech stocks as the Nasdaq Composite hit another all-time high today.

Shares of Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL), Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ: FB), Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN), and Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) lead the way (the latter two also hit record highs).

Since everyone knows about the moves in these mega-cap tech stocks, our experts – D.R. Barton, Jr. and Shah Gilani – gave advice on some other names.

Here they are...


Why the "Amazon of Latin America" Is One of the Best Stocks You Can Buy Now Inc (NASDAQ: AMZN) and online shopping have become synonymous at this point.

With 12 million products ranging from groceries, media services, toys and almost any kind of electronics you could imagine, there is almost no need to shop anywhere else.

Consumer surveys run by eMarketer have even shown that nearly half of U.S. Internet users started product search on Amazon, beating out Google for the number one spot.

But that's just the United States.

That is why I am so exciting about MercadoLibre (NASDAQ: MELI), a company that people are calling the Amazon of Latin America (LATAM).

Marijuana Industry

You Stand at the Forefront of the Single Biggest Market to Emerge in Decades

Take a hard look at the cannabis market.

Look closely, and you'll see the single biggest market to hit the global economy in decades.

It's bigger than the global PC market. It's bigger than gaming. In fact, consumers spend more money on cannabis each year than what hits the top lines of social media companies like Facebook and online marketplaces like Amazon combined.

It's almost as big as one of the most predominant, innovative, and disruptive sectors of the 20th century.

Now, I expect everyone reading this would happily hop in a time machine and buy shares in Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon for a second chance to get in early on those unexpected but remarkably high growth industries.

Imagine the wealth you could have built.

But with cannabis now on the scene, you don't need a time machine.

You just need to appreciate the massive size of the cannabis market today and how much bigger it will get as legalization inevitably spreads.

Because once it does, cannabis will overtake some of the most significant industries to emerge in the 21st century… Full Story

Because once it does, cannabis will overtake some of the most significant industries to emerge in the 21st century... Full Story...